Stop Giving Away Your Wealth
Apr 29, 2023
By: Colleen St.Michaels
You were born wealthy and abundant in every aspect. Your soul knows how capable you are of living a life full of health, wealth, love, and happiness with authentic alignments. However, the human design of wealth has been grossly manipulated by a broken societal system straying away from the origin of truth, keeping you in a loop of lack.
You may feel exhausted, drained, and energetically depleted when you are out of alignment with your life. This exhaustion is accurate, as it's the cry of the soul's voice attempting to get your attention from within, to steer you to slow down and allow your physical and emotional body to reset and heal on all levels.
Your mind, body, and spirit can no longer push through, allowing you to ignore the message to enter a restful healing period. During this restful healing time, your mind may question what is wrong with you. You may ask yourself, "Why do I feel depressed? Why can't I push through this and keep up with my old pace? Why do I want to hide from the world? Why do I feel like a stranger in my life?" The energies of the divine feminine rise to assimilate harmony between the divine masculine and feminine energies to offer you balance, breaking you away from the disjointed energy of force and into the flow and intentional living.
We were never soul-designed to be so out of sync with ourselves and detached from our physical vessels, intuitive intelligence systems, and self-awareness. Broken societies of the past are pushing a universal blueprint to live by and have suffocated the essence of our unique being.
During the resting phase, you can see and feel the misalignments in your life and ask yourself, "What am I investing my energy into? Work, obligations, relationships, commitments?" Exhaustion is the signal to stop, be aware of your behaviors, and reset your coordinates to listen to your soul's path.
Many people seek their soul's purpose but ignore the guidance steps spoken intuitively that are trying to show their purpose, in turn depleting their true wealth.
Your energy is your true wealth; you invest it in faulty places if you are unsatisfied with life.
I learn best when I have a practical example of connecting when making a change, and I invite you to follow along and be aware of what thoughts, feelings, and emotions surface.
The main character traits:
- Imagine having enormous amounts of money in the bank.
- A is a loving and caring person.
- A big heart and great compassion for others.
- A solid desire to be loved the way they give love but have been hurt or disappointed.
- A tendency to over-commit and say yes often to others without consulting yourself to see if you want to help.
- A harsh inner dialog and critical when it comes to themselves
- Someone who has trouble asking for help.
The Scenario:
You are in a relationship, be it family, romantic, or platonic, with someone you have invested time and energy into. They ask you for a loan or to borrow money, and you provide it readily because you want them to be okay and not suffer. However, you watch them squander the money away, and you are confused by their choice to waste it. You don't want to judge them, so you justify the action by reminding yourself of their good qualities, and since your accounts are full, you don't feel the repercussions of the money given away.
As time passes, the person needs help again and is short of funds, and since you care for them and have more than they do, you give them what they ask for to help them out. However, you learn that they have squandered it again. You are slightly irritated but don't say anything out loud, holding negative conversations in your head. Eventually, you let it go.
One day, while in a checkout line with the friend mentioned above, you are short a few dollars and ask if they can cover you. They reject your request, and you mentally justify the rejection with a story of their lack and feel bad for asking. On another afternoon, your car breaks down, and you call your friend to see if they can help you, but they reject your request because they are busy. You are fuming in your head but quickly justify their behavior and feel bad for asking them to be inconvenienced.
This scenario keeps duplicating, and you are feeling unfavorable about yourself, wondering what is wrong with you, that people don't respect you as you respect them. This is draining you, and your insides feel unsettled all the time. When you check your once-flowing financial accounts, you see that they have dropped to an alarming amount, and you wonder how this happened.
As you read this, you are probably yelling at the character in the story and judging their behavior because you see them being taken advantage of so clearly. You are not in the situation, so you are watching unattached. This scenario most likely happened to you in this life when you were giving and giving but felt abandoned in receiving.
At first impression, everyone would quickly get angry at the person taking advantage of the kind person with their blatant lack of vision to see that they are using someone. The person is accountable for their behavior. It's the person who keeps giving the money and who lacks respect for their relationship with themselves. The other person is unapologetic for who they are. They are not wearing a mask but are transparent. However, the person keeps giving the money and hoping the other person will change to satisfy what they want in a partner, friend, or person. It is our responsibility to take ownership of how we treat ourselves, hold boundaries, and move forward when we witness someone's misalignment.
Misalignments in life do not manifest as a pattern in a single event; instead, they are a series of small drips that eventually become an emotional flood.
Most people place more value on financial wealth than on true wealth. Your energy is your true wealth; everything begins and ends with energy... everything!
The character in this story was exhausting themselves financially, physically, and emotionally because they were misaligned in their relationship and not in the vibrational match.
Here are some other examples of feeling misaligned energies:
- Feeling drained at work because you say "yes" to everyone and fall behind on your responsibilities and duties.
- Feeling undervalued at work because your earnings do not match your contribution.
- Feeling like you're just trying to get through the day.
- Feeling resentful in relationships.
- Feeling attacked when you try to set boundaries.
- Feeling disconnected from people you once enjoyed being around.
- Feeling tired of accommodating others' choices and not vocalizing your own needs.
- Feeling unworthy of experiencing a healthy relationship or a satisfying job.
- Allowing fear to overwhelm you emotionally, mentally, and physically, and staying in your discomfort.
- Feeling guilty for enjoying life while others are struggling.
- Rejecting your gut instinct to please someone else.
- Always searching for happiness.
- Feeling guilty because, on paper, you have a great life, so you "should" be happy.
The list of signs indicating that you are not in alignment with your life can go on and on. But if you recognize one or all of these things, it's a signal that you need to make a change. The good news is that you have the power to change it.
Remember, there is no room for shame or judgment when making a personal change. The key is to be aware of any patterns you keep repeating in the hope of a different outcome.
Wealthy people watch their accounts, know their investments, and make changes when necessary to protect their wealth. You should apply the same process when managing and shifting your true wealth.
Your energy is the magnet that attracts and matches you to what you invest in.
You were born wealthy, and it's time to reclaim your wealth.