Change is in the air...
Apr 29, 2023
Colleen St.Michaels
Finding comfort in discomfort is not an intuitive response to life. It suffocates your higher self, and discomfort is an indicator that you need to heal the parts of yourself that are misaligned and hurting. These parts need the most love and attention.
If you believe that you are meant to struggle, you will set your mindset to accept struggle. Your mind-body-soul relationship is powerful and can create inner conflict, or it can reset old programs and align with your highest purpose here on Earth.
You were not meant to struggle. You are an empowered spark of divinity. It is time to awaken to your true identity.
Your journey has a great purpose. Your soul's design offers a map for healing through the lessons of humanity so that you can contribute your light to the world.
Great wisdom is obtained through growth when experiencing contrast.
Feeling like you are struggling, confused, or overwhelmed are resistance symptoms. You are resisting the natural flow of your path and trying to force what you thought life would be.
You can heal, grow, and flow gently into a co-creation with life. The steps to change are spoken through your intuitive voice. Your soul's design is unique, so the steps to your purpose are customized specifically for you.
When you surrender into trust, you intuitively trust that all of your needs are infinitely supplied to you.
Speak into existence the peace you want to experience rather than the struggles you are tired of battling.
Believing that you have control to resist change is a mind trick. Change is constant and always in motion, regardless of whether you accept it. Resisting change is like opposing air; you suffocate yourself into smallness and deplete your energy by fighting what is meant to be as you designed it on a soul level.
To deal with resistance to change, ask yourself the following questions:
- Why am I resisting change?
- What am I afraid of?
- What stories do I create in my mind that make me afraid?
When we listen to our thoughts and examine what they say, we are gifted an opportunity to see if we believe what they share or if we are on autopilot, allowing the negativity-free airspace in our heads.